Tuesday, March 19, 2013

TwentyTwo Weeks

So, we are taking a step backward. We thought I was a little further along than I actually am. The 13 week ultrasound suggested that I was about a week further along than all the other indicators. We have now decided to go with the other indicators.  

Dear baby,

Hi. Welcome to week twenty two of being in my belly. You sure are a wiggly little thing. I know I tell you that a lot, but it's just so neat to feel. Daddy went to visit your midwifes with me yesterday. He had his blood drawn and got to hear your heart beat for the first time. You gave the midwifes a kick when they measured my belly. I got papaya enzymes for my heart burn.

Your brother has taken to rubbing my belly. Can you tell it's his little hands?

Here is a glimpse of what you have been doing this week...

You got some rubs...

...and some kisses. 

We watched soccer. 

Your brother, you, and I danced our socks off together before we persuaded him to go out and dance in front of the band. He loved getting his groove on. 

We went to a kids sing along show. The puppeteer told everyone to close their eyes. Your brother listened. 

We spent time with our buddies for my birthday.

Even though I rolled my eyes, we watched classic sesame street episodes. I took back my eye rolls, they are actually really entertaining and don't make me want to jump off a roof the way new kids shows do. I think that is all you will be watching when you make your way out of my belly. 

xoxo my love

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