Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Graham Asked An Interesting Question

1/12/13 - Thirteen Weeks

A few nights ago I was helping your brother get ready for bed when he leaned his head on my belly and asked "are you going to have a baby?" We haven't told him about you yet, and although we plan to soon, that wasn't the moment. I was a little taken aback, but not surprised. People keep talking about you in front of him and he isn't a fool. He also has a friend with a pregnant mama, so I think it was fresh on his mind. 

"Well, someday I will." That wasn't a lie.

We then proceeded to have a very sweet conversation about pregnancy and having a baby come into our lives. He decided his future sisters name should be Lily, Violet, or Lily Pad. He was amazed when I said that you can feel babies move inside a mommy's belly because he was under the impression that babies were not alive in there.

"Okay, if me and daddy help make your baby, who's parts will it have? I think it will have your eyes." 
"Well, I hope it has your eyes."
"How will it have my eyes?!"
"Well, you have daddy's eyes, and I hope that the baby does too."
"Ohhh, because you like blue." A 'that makes sense' expression sweeps across his face. "Well, I think it will have mostly your parts because you do most of the work."

Thanks buddy.

We talked about breast feeding, birth, and other bits and pieces about pregnancy. He was really excited about the prospect of having a baby brother or sister, which makes the thought of telling him you exist all the more exciting.



  1. This is such a sweet story. I am really excited for you. Congratulations again, Amanda!

  2. Thanks buddy! We are excited too!

  3. That is so sweet! What a smart, and intuitive, little guy!


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