Thursday, April 19, 2012

Bees Please

Well people. I am still sick.
What. The. Heck.

Trying to finish yoga teacher training strong while coughing your lungs out is not the most idealistic way to go about it, but I guess that's my reality and I will find the wonderful parts of this situation.
But since I am sick, I have been drinking A LOT of tea and eating A LOT of honey  ..So, I thought I would share my love of bee's with you all. I dream of one day keeping my own bee's. Currently, I don't even have one bee to call my own, but someday I know I will have hundreds, even thousands. I promise to share my honey with you.

Bee's are disappearing. I am sure you have heard... But it's actually a pretty serious, and pretty lame. If you have 16 minutes to spare, I suggest watching the video below. Dennis has a good sense of humor, I promise it isn't boring or depressing. It's the bees knees! Just do it.

photo via: wit and delight

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