Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Clever Cycle

If you are looking for a bicycle shop devoted exclusively to bicycling as a primary mode of transportation, Clever Cycles is your place Portlanders. For families and businesses seeking to avoid dependence on cars with stylish, practical bikes stop by their shop on SE Hawthorne. Open since June 2007 they are striving to make Portland an even better place to live and work, breathe, slow down in, and ride in.
"We are not motivated by the rising costs of motoring, ecological guilt, or a body-sculpting regimen. Bicycling is not a sacrifice or a statement. We ride instead of drive because it is pleasurable and convenient, simply the best way to get around Portland."

So if you have seen the cool Dutch looking bicycle contraptions around town - you know, the ones that have little wagons on the front or the ones with little trailers attached to the back - chances are they are from Clever Cycles. They create bikes for family transport, cargo, and folding bikes that are all equipped for comfort, safety, and reliability. 
Or hey, if you get a Dutch Tub, you can haul that around!

photos: ecovelo

1 comment:

  1. I think they've got a lot of really great product, but I was surprised to find that they didn't carry Montauge bikes. I was in the market for one recently and thought for sure they'd have them, but had to go elsewhere.


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