Thursday, May 10, 2012


Do you ever just sit? Sit without a book, something to nibble on, a journal, or a laptop in front of you? Just you and the world around you. I don't realize how little I do this until I find myself sitting without something to do and wanting to get up to get a book, or get up and get back to all the things "I have to do." It can be uncomfortable just being with myself without any distractions, but it can also be really rewarding.

Contentment has been on my mind a lot. I am an active person, and lately I am either on my yoga mat, working as a barista, doing various design-y things, or helping my friend paint his house. So of course fate would have me injure my neck and feel like doing those things, let alone anything else my heart desires, involves a lot of pain.

It's not fun being hurt, but I am only discontent when I am not content with being hurt or a little bummed that I can't go to acroyoga or practice chords on the new guitar in my life. Discontentment is the illusion that there can be something else in the moment. There can't be, the moment is complete the way it comes to us.

Sitting with yourself can bring up a lot of feelings of discontentment; but I think it's really beautiful to explore the root of those feelings and let it be okay if you feel sad, depressed, anxious, lost, or impatient. When we build contentment in the uncomfortable parts of our lives we become rooted in the calm depths within.

When it rains, let it.


photo via: wit and delight

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