Thursday, November 3, 2011

Sheep (s)

It's my dream to have a little sheep farm. Do I know anything about sheep? Not really. Do I love wool? Yes. 
The dream is to have a little farm outside of the city where there are sheep bouncing around, great pyranese dogs to herd the sheep and snuggle with me when they are clean, bee hives galore (because yes, I also dream of being a bee keeper), a creek to play in, a pool/pond to float in, a garden I hopefully won't kill, a zero impact little home to live in, two cows to milk (so they have a buddy), a tree house, a red barn, a mailbox you have to walk down a long driveway to get to, plenty of deciduous trees, and a cute little cottage guest house nearby. Oh right, and we will put honey on everything.
It sounds so magical.


  1. Snuggle with your Great Pyrenees, you'll want border collies to herd your sheep little your pic...:o)

  2. great pyrenees are herding dogs too you know. eh i will have both in my fantasy.


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