Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Keeping It Local: Grimm

Have you seen Grimm?? Do you know it's filmed in Portland? If you are from LA you may not find this at all exciting, but for us Oregonians, it's pretty neat. It's so fun to recognize almost everything you see on the show. My roommate may be annoyed by me shouting out every intersection and business that comes across the screen, but I like to think she finds it endearing.

Anyways. Grimm is a great new show, regardless of the the fact that it's filmed in my city. It's about a homicide detective who learns that he is a descendant of the Grimms, and is destined to keep humanity safe from the supernatural creatures of the world. 

It does explain why we have so many weirdos here, not everyone wandering the streets is human.. ;)

1 comment:

  1. Did I tell you I started watching Grimm because you told me to? I like it. I too get really excited and shout out (the few) places that I recognize. Yay for Oregon! I do the same thing while watching Leverage.


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