Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Why are living roofs awesome?

I will tell you..

Living roofs help to lower urban air temperatures and combat the heat island effect.

Living roofs help keep the interior of your home at a stable temperature. Plants and soil are really great insulators, which means you’ll save money on your heating and cooling costs.

Living roofs filter rainwater. When the water falls on a typical roof, it’s often funneled off into storm water drains, collecting pollution along the way. When rain falls on a living roof, however, it’s filtered naturally just as it is in the wild. This means you can reuse this clean water in your home or garden.

Living roofs attract native wildlife to your yard. And depending on what you plant, it can also be a food source for you, or your furry friends.

Living roofs filter noise, keeping your home quiet.

Besides all the great stuff they do for the planet... They look fantastic.


  1. I've never even heard of this before. How bizarre -- but kind-of brilliant, I suppose. It's just grass? On a roof? Do people in this country do it much? This strikes me as distinctly European...

  2. It's more common in Europe, but yes, it is done
    here. It is happening more and more often as people become more aware of how the built environment affects the planet. The second photo down is city hall in Chicago.

  3. Oh and not grass necessarily. Native plants. Most of the grass we use for our lawns is not native.

  4. You've never heard of a green roof?!?!!??!?!?!??!?! My mind is blown.


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