Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A little piece of Italy

Okay, so I have to talk about Piazza Italia. This little restaurant is tucked on a side street in the Pearl District and although I live only a few blocks away, it's like a mini vacation every time I eat here.
When I was 19 I backpacked around Europe for about a year, I spent most of that time in Switzerland with family, but spent five weeks in Italy. This restaurant was so authentic to me I didn't know how to respond when one of the servers (a handsome and flirty Italian man) asked me where I was from. In my mind I was trying to decide if I should simply say "The US", or if I should venture further out on a limb and say "Oregon, it's on the west coast." Now, in my experience while in Italy, no one knew where Oregon was, so if I said Oregon I would likely have to backtrack and say California. Then I would have to hear a comment about Arnold Schwarzenegger...
Um hello Amanda, you are in a restaurant just down the street from your apartment building! So in conclusion, I would absolutely recommend this soccer jersey lined Italian run restaurant. The food is good and the atmosphere transports you across the world.


  1. Thanks for the heads up, I will certainly be going here very soon.


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